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Tanisha Marshall (KAYTIA)

Acrylic Paint


Tanisha Marshall is a Dallas, Texas-based artist, originally from Illinois. Art found its way into Tanisha's life at a time when healing and self-love were most needed. For many years, she struggled with self-acceptance. During the creative process, she realized that to attain freedom in her life, she had to learn to embrace herself. It was during this time that she began creating without fear of judgment, allowing her to produce work that truly emanated from within. Tanisha's goal is to inspire at least one person (ideally more) to find the freedom to accept themselves as God made them.

Artist Statement

I fell in love with abstract art because I spent most of my life trying to fit in, and abstract art lets me be free.
My painting process begins with colors or ideas that pop into my head. I often write down my thoughts, pray over them, and study the Bible for scriptures that match what I'm feeling. I don't have an exact plan; I just pray and let things happen naturally.

I often use markers, pencils, and collage to start. Then I may add acrylic paint, even if it doesn't match my original color studies. I love to explore and have fun in the beginning. After many layers, I might add colors from my color study, more collage, and additional marks. This process can take weeks or months until the painting feels right.
Growing up, I struggled to be myself because I wanted people to like me. As I've gotten older, I've decided to love who God made me to be. When I paint, I focus on being my most authentic self, creating freely without overthinking. For me, that's true freedom.

Tanisha Marshall (KAYTIA)

Image Gallery

Here is some of my artwork for you to look at. If you're interested in purchasing any pieces, please feel free to reach out to me via email. You can find my email address above.

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